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아이폰 추천 앱 - Pocket Informant (Calendar & Tasks)

아이콘 App명

Pocket Informant (Calendar & Tasks)

Web Information Solutions, Inc.
카테고리 생산성 등급 4세이상
가격 $12.99 용량 9.5 MB
언어 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어 개발자 Web Information Solutions, Inc.
현재 버젼 1.62 업데이트 2010-11-16
저작권 © 2001-2010 Web Information Solutions, Inc. 요구사항 iPhone, iPod touch 및 iPad와 호환. iOS 3.1.3 이상 필요.
홈페이지 Web Information Solutions, Inc. 웹사이트 App 지원 Pocket Informant (Calendar & Tasks) 웹사이트
평점(투표수) ★★★★ (478) 조회수 12
등록일(Date) 2010-11-10 15:59:04
앱 설명

Pocket Informant® is an integrated calendaring and GTD®-based tasks solution for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Our purpose is to fuse together best-of-class calendaring with best-of-class tasks into one great solution. Here are some of our current top features:

❖ Location-based alerts for tasks!
❖ Today, Month, Day, Week, Column Week View, Agenda, Task, and Search views
❖ Swipe between Months, Days, and Weeks
❖ Easily jump to any date in Day and Month views
❖ Timebars to show your free/busy time at a glance or show mini-text on the month cells instead
❖ Icons for Events and Tasks
❖ Event Location Mapping
❖ Context Location Mapping with Location Notifications
❖ Calendar Filtering: Filter tasks and events by one or more calendars
❖ Templates for Events and Tasks
❖ Support for sub-tasks
❖ Tags and Tag Filtering
❖ TextExpander support in most text fields
❖ Expanded detail view to see events and tasks on any day
❖ Phone Links in Notes
❖ Tasks integrated with the Calendar Views
❖ Task Grouping and QuickSearch/Insert
❖ Full Search of Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar items
❖ Send Appointment Meeting Requests (only for Pocket Informant events, not native iOS events)
❖ Getting-Things-Done® (GTD®) management or Franklin Covey ABC/1-99 Prioritization of tasks
❖ Pre-made filters to quickly find active, due, undated, overdue, and completed tasks
❖ Today View to show your current appointments, tasks, meeting attendees and alatms
❖ Starring (flagging) tasks
❖ Highly customizable views

❖ Auto-sync will sync changes immediately up to the server and new items from the server sync down every 45 minutes (while PI is running or next time it runs)
❖ Syncs with Google Calendar and Toodledo.
❖ Direct to Outlook Sync. Requires $5 WebIS Desktop Sync software. Visit our http://tinyurl.com/yggbk2a for more details.
❖ Use Pocket Informant native event data and/or iOS native event calendars

Proper task management is essential, but it’s only part of the picture.
Pocket Informant is a full featured PIM, so it lets you focus on everything you do in a day - not just your task list. We believe bringing your appointments and tasks together in one place is more efficient than working in isolated calendar and task management systems. Pocket Informant is designed to not force you into any one method of doing things - use our Task View as rigidly or freely as you want, using GTD principles, Franklin Covey, or your own system.

We love our iPhones, but we saw some untapped potential for a full-featured PIM. Pocket Informant fills that gap. To start with, we made navigation very natural - simply swipe between the months, or tap the month name to jump to a new date. For those of us who have several events in a day, we built a time bar so you can see how your day is blocked off at a glance. When looking at a day’s activities, we show you your appointments AND tasks together, and we give you nearly the entire screen to see them. We offer a convenient view to quickly see activities going on "today", and we built a great week view as well.

For years, these and numerous other features have made Pocket Informant a must-have application for school teachers, soccer moms, salesmen and executives alike.

Localizations: English, German, and French. New Languages will be added in future releases.

Check us out on Twitter: @webis_mobile

GTD® and Getting Things Done® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company. Pocket Informant and WebIS are not affiliated with or endorsed by the David Allen Company.

1.62 버전의 새로운 기능

This update to Pocket Informant contains many improvements and as always we recommend performing a backup before upgrading.

Major new features:
✪ iOS 4.2 support
✪ iOS 4 and up only: You can now swipe left or right in the month detail cells to navigate to the next or previous week
✪ Improved iOS 4 native event support
✪ Improved Desktop Sync connectivity when used in conjunction with Desktop Sync 1.1
For more information about Desktop Sync 1.1, please check
✪ Task Children can now be added quickly through a quick add text field in the task editor

✪ Many other bug fixes and usability improvements throughout. To see the full changes list:

WDS Users - please read this:


사용자 평점
패치 휴우증인가요? 2010.10.8 - Yunuable
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